Joelle Mertzel, Inventor of Butterie the flip top butter dish

Our Story

My name is Joelle and I’m the inventor of Butterie, the flip-top butter dish.

Growing up in the city, I always thought butter needed to be refrigerated. My parents kept the butter in the fridge, and so when I became a mom, I did the same.

But several years ago, after accidentally leaving the butter out overnight, I realized it was so much better at room temperature. It was soft, easy to spread, and tasted delicious.

Messy Butter Dish
An unacceptable mess

However, once I decided to keep my butter on the counter, I started using a butter dish and I quickly determined they're an unacceptable mess. Butter on the lid, butter on my counter, butter on my hands, butter smooshed in the dish, and I thought, "a simple flip-top lid would solve all these problems.”

Aqua Butterie#color_aqua
And Butterie was born

Although I'd never manufactured a product in my life, I was determined to reinvent the butter dish. What I lacked in experience, I made-up with gusto and determination. And today I am proud to report that Butterie has become America’s #1 best-selling butter dish. 

Keep the butter on the counter. 

People do all these unnecessary and goofy things to have soft, spreadable butter. They’ll microwave it, use a box grater, put it in a crock (which is a breeding ground for bacteria & mold!), or even buy the fake, "tub butter," when the answer is so simple: Just keep the butter on the counter. 

General Breakfast photo

But Joelle's story doesn’t stop there!

In addition to inventing a flip-top butter dish, she's become a national advocate for countertop butter. Her mission is to eliminate confusion about keeping butter on the counter, and to educate America that butter does not require refrigeration.

Joelle has commissioned several shelf-life studies on butter and last year she petitioned the FDA to have them change their butter storage recommendations. 
Her efforts have been all over the news
 and she was even profiled on the front page of The Wall Street Journal.  

Enjoy reading Joelle’s story with your children or grandchildren. Click here to purchase her whimsical, fully illustrated children’s book, “Change Your Life for the Butter.”

FDA Initiative

50% of America is unaware that butter can be stored safely on the counter.

See how we're educating consumers.


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